Civil Engineering


To become a premier Civil Engineering Department offering excellent engineering education to the students in design methods and advanced technologies, to pursue research in thrust areas and to offer professional services to the society.


The Department is committed to develop competent professionals by offering need based curriculum in Civil Engineering areas, promoting research and innovation to prepare the students for higher study, life-long learning and to have societal responsibility. The department is also committed to provide good learning environment to develop professional ethics and skills in our students and to provide engineering services to the society.

Programmes Offered


Name Of The Course


Year Of Commencement

B.E. In Civil Engineering 60 1984–1985
M.Tech In Structural Engineering 18 2014-2015


Program Outcomes (PO’s)

PO 1: To apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems

PO 2: To identify, formulate, review research literature and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.

PO 3: To design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO 4: To use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO 5: To create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including predictions and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of limitations.

PO 6: To apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice

PO 7: To understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development

PO 8: To apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice

PO 9: To function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO 10: To communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PO 11: To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO 12: To recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s)

PSO1: Capable to study, plan, analyse and design the civil engineering structures required for the professional demands.

PSO2: Utilize the appropriate software and related modern tools to develop skills to plan, produce detailed drawings, write specifications, and prepare cost estimates of civil engineering structures.

PSO3: Offer engineering services with professional, environmental and ethical responsibility.

2015 Scheme (CBCS) Click here
2018 Scheme (CBCS) Click here
2017 Scheme (CBCS) Click here
2020 scheme (CBSC) Click here
2018 Scheme (CBCS) Click here.
2022 scheme (CBSC) Click here
2021 Scheme (CBCS) Click here.
2022 Scheme (CBCS) Click here.


  • To accomplish the academic success of all the students.
  • To strive for the campus recruitment of all our graduates.
  • To ensure majority of faculty members pursue Doctoral studies.
  • To undertake R&D projects and offer consultancy and technical services.
  • To enhance Industry-Institute-Interaction activities.
  • To continuously upgrade the physical and laboratory infrastructure.
Salient Features
  • The Department has well equipped laboratories namely Structural, Geotechnical, Environmental, Hydraulics, Transportation, Material   Testing, Geology, Survey, and Computer Aided Design Engineering with the latest equipments and software.
  • Every year Technical Fests are conducted.
  • 95% of passing in UG for the last 5 years with 5 University Ranks.
  • Consultancy services are provided for Govt. civil works.
About Us

The Department of Civil Engineering came into existence since inception of the college in the year 1980, with an intake of 60 students. The department has well experienced faculties and the faculty members have achieved expertise in various fields such as Structural Engineering, Highway Engineering, Environmental Engineering, etc.

The department has well equipped laboratories like The Building Materials Testing (BMT) lab, The Soil Mechanics lab, Highway Engineering lab, Fluid Mechanics lab, The Computer Aided Design (CAD) lab where the students are trained to be proficient in various fields of civil engineering.

Ever since the Civil Engineering department came into being, it has dedicated itself towards the never ending quest for knowledge and contributing with vigor for the development of Karnataka and the country as a whole.

The department is committed to produce Civil Engineers which would usher India into a utopia of development. For the realization of this dream, the students are prepared to perform, even in the most hostile environment.

The department has come good on its commitment towards research and development by recent introduction of master’s degree courses in the field of Structural Engineering. The masters program is likely to produce researchers which would lead us to new developments in Civil Engineering.


Apart from academics, the students are exposed to various social and cultural activities. Facilities are provided for the students to participate in games and athletics. A number of outdoor and indoor games are being played. N.S.S. unit has been introduced in this institution.

Faculties are backing up the steady growth and development of the college. The dedicated faculty members have created an active teaching-learning interface. They are actively engaged in consultancy, counseling, career guidance and research activities. They are in touch with advanced technological developments as per the market requirement.

Facilities are provided for the students to organize cultural or technical festivals to bring out their hidden leadership and management qualities.

Teaching Faculty Details




Sl. No.

Faculty Name




Contact Details


Dr. Srishaila J M

20 Yrs M.Tech (Construction Technology), Ph.D 9481181593

2. Prof. Subramanya P G Asst. Professor 12 Yrs M Tech. (CADS) (Ph.D)
3. Prof. Shankar G S Asst. Professor 10.8 Yrs M Tech. (CADS)
4. Prof. Hussain Imran K M Asst. Professor 09 Yrs M Tech (CADS Structures)
5. Prof. Anusha V Asst. Professor 08 Yrs M.Tech (Environmental Engg.)(Ph.D.)
6. Prof. Nikitha G A Asst. Professor 0.7 Yrs M.Tech
7. Prof. Pruthvi Rani K M Asst. Professor 0.7 Yrs M.Tech
8. Prof.Girish Kumar G M Asst. Professor 03 Yrs M Tech
9. Prof. Bhavana Jadav V Asst. Professor 0.7 Yrs M Tech


List of Technical & Non-Teaching Staff


Sl. No Name Designation Qualification Experience
1 Manjunath P Lab Instructor DME. 15 Years
2 Varun Gowli M Lab Instructor DCE. 2.5 Years
3 Prerana B V Lab Instructor B.E. 0.7Years
4 Prakash R Attender 8th Std. 27 Years
5 N Kalleshi Attender 4th Std. 32 Years
6 Kiran Kumar K S Attender 1st PUC 0 Years


Details Of Consultancy Customers


Sl. No.

Name Of The Customer


M/S Asip Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad


M/S Abhiram Infrastructures Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad


M/S Mathru Build Tech Pvt. Ltd. Bengaluru


M/S Amin Bhavi & Hegde Consulting Engineers   Dharwad


M/S H. Gopala Shetty Hosamath – Kedoor- Kundapur


M/S Megha Engineering & Infrastructures Ltd. Bengaluru


M/S Tata Projects Ltd. Mumbai


M/S Egis India Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd


M/S Unique Infra Projects – Hydrabad


M/S Kamdar Constructions – Pune


M/S Trinity Group- Hubli


M/S Prerana Consultants – Bengaluru


M/S Apr Projects Ltd. – Hyderabad


M/S Mysore Construction Company – Bengaluru


M/S Hutti Gold Mines Company Ltd – Chitradurga


M/S Visvamaya Cinstructions – Pune


The Department Is Equipped With Following Labs
  • Computer Lab : High end computers 20 nos
  • Strength Of Material Lab40 Ton Universal Testing Machine; Impact Testing Machine; Wood Testing Machine.
  • Concrete Laboratory: 200 Ton Compression Testing Machine; Slump Test cones; Le-chatelier apparatus.
  • Survey Stores: Total Station, Box Sextant; Dumpy Level; Transit Theodolite ; Clinometer
  • Highway Material Laboratory:Impact Testing Machine; Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine; C.B.R. Testing Apparatus; Ductility Testing Machine.
  • Soil Mechanics Lab: Tri-Axial Compression Testing Machine; Direct Shear Test Machine; Compaction Testing Machine; Proctor Compaction Apparatus; Vane Shear Apparatus; Consolidometer; Standard Penetration Test Apparatus.
  • Environmental Engineering Lab: Spectrophotometer; Flame Photometer: Ion Meter; Incubator; Hot Air Oven;
  • Hydraulics And Hydraulics Machines Lab: Francis Turbine; Pelton Wheel Turbine; Hydraulic Ram Apparatus; Hydraulic Flume; Centrifugal Pump Set.

The Department provides excellent training and consultancy services to the various stages and central government agencies, public sector undertakings and many private organizations in addition to career –oriented academic programmes.The students are involved in consultancy services and live projects. This gives opportunity for them to have field and practical experience. They are encouraged to go beyond their routine curriculum making internet facility available.

Hydraulics And Hydraulics Machine Lab
Hydraulics And Hydraulics Machine Lab

Basic Materials Testing Lab
Basic Materials Testing Lab

Environmental Engineering Lab
Environmental Engineering Lab

Geotech Engineering Lab
Geotech Engineering Lab