Physical education is an integral part of educational programme designed to promote the optimum development of an individual. It makes us emotionally, mentally and physically strong. The primary aim of physical education varies based on the needs of the time and place. A sport event is commonly defined as an organized, competitive and skillful physical activity requiring commitment and fair play.
S J M Institute of Technology (SJMIT) is keen to implement programs to promote excellence in sports. The Sports cell has several facilities through its sports promotional events. SJMIT supports and nurtures talent in youth, and provides them with requisite infrastructure, equipment, coaching facilities and competition exposure.
The dedicated Sports Director, staff and coaches of the cell strive hard to facilitate students to involve in playing all Sports and also prepare them to be fit and self confident. The infrastructure at this Institute helps students to achieve to the best of their abilities and come out as successful sports men. The management encourages the sports persons and gratefully acknowledges their love for sports.
To mould students with life skills and prepare them to be fit and confident to face the global challenges.
SJMIT sports cell offers facilities to manage, serve and promote various games both indoor and outdoor at all levels, thereby making the students to be life time learners in the field as well as classrooms to develop them spiritually into men of character and godliness.
Sports Committee:
Name of the Committee Member | Department | Designation |
Dr. Bharath P B |
Principal | Chairman |
Dr. Sathish J |
Mechanical | Member |
Prof. Shridhara S N |
E&CE | Member |
Prof. Shashidhara A P |
Physics | Member |
Prof. Chandrashekar Kamble |
E&E | Member |
Prof. Anusha V |
Civil | Member |
Prof. Sudha T |
E&E | Member |
Prof. Apoorva G O |
CS&E | Member |
Prof. Monisha R | CS&E | Member |
Dr. Kumarswamy K |
Director of Physical Education | Member |

Profile of the Coordinator
The sports cell is headed by Mr. K Kumaraswamy, who is graduated from Mysore University, Bachelor of Physical Education in UCPE. He pursued post graduation in Master of Physical Education from Kuvempu University , Shankarghatta and also pursuing PhD from Kuvempu University, Shimoga. He is specialized in games like Kho-Kho, Volley ball, Handball, Kabaddi, Table Tennis, Hockey, Softball, Badminton and Basketball.
Sports Achievements
- Secured GOLD Medal in 32nd KHO- KHO National Games.
- Represented State and University many times in Kho –Kho.
- Represented University in Handball, Cricket, Badminton, Table Tennis and Football.
Broad activities of the Cell:
- Organization of VTU tournaments.
- Preparation of the play grounds for the use of players from time to time.
- Conduction of selection trials to pick-up talented players for participation at Inter Collegiate tournament of VTU and other Colleges’ Invitational Tournaments, Practice matches for Students and Staff.
- To provide coaching to the participating teams.
- Providing games and sports material for the regular practice.
- To tone-up general fitness purpose, Gymnasium Equipment i.e., 36 individual stations available for the students.
- Organizing practice matches for different events from time to time.
- Sending outstanding players for participation at National level events, tournaments and also for the coaching camps.
- Guiding students/players towards academic accomplishments.
- Providing sports uniforms, TA & DA for the students for participation in VTU and other inter collegiate tournaments.
- Conducting intramural games and sports competitions for men and women students separately in Basketball, Cricket, Volleyball, Softball, Football, Handball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Tennis, Throw ball, Kho-Kho, Kabaddi andAthletic events.
- Conducting games and sports competitions for the staff of the college both teaching and non-teaching men & women separately.
- Presenting meritorious certificates and mementoes to the winners and runners in intramural competitions for students and staff on college annual sports day function.
University level Tournaments Organized:
Year | Sl.No. | Event |
2012 – 2013 |
1. | Intercollegiate Rest of Bangalore Zone Kabaddi Tournament for Men on 03rd&04th September 2012 |
2. | Intercollegiate Rest of Bangalore Zone Throw ball Tournament for Women on 24th&25th September 2012. | |
2013 – 2014 |
1. | Intercollegiate Rest of Bangalore Zone Kho – Kho Tournament for Men on 24th&25th March 2014. |
2014 – 2015 |
1. | Intercollegiate Single Zone Kho – Kho Tournament for Women on 27th March 2015. |
2. | Inter Zone Kho – Kho tournament for Men &Women on 28th March 2015. | |
3. | VTU Kho – Kho Men &Women Selection Trials on 21st March 2017. | |
2015 – 2016 |
1. | Intercollegiate Rest of Bangalore Zone Softball Tournament for Men on 16th&17th March 2015. |
2. | Intercollegiate Bangalore Zone Softball Tournament for Men on 17th&18th March 2015. | |
3. | Intercollegiate Single Zone Softball Tournament for Women on 19th&20th March 2015. | |
4. | Inter Zone Softball tournament for Men &Women on 21st March 2015. | |
5. | VTU Softball Men &Women Selection Trials on 21st March 2017. | |
2016 – 2017 |
1. | Intercollegiate Rest of Bangalore Zone Chess Tournament for Men &Women on 13th& 14th September 2016. |
2. | Intercollegiate Inter Zone Chess Tournament & Selection Trials for Men &Women on 23rd& 25th September 2016. | |
2017 – 2018 |
1. | Intercollegiate Rest of Bangalore Zone Chess Tournament for Men &Women on 21st& 22nd April 2017. |
2. | Intercollegiate Bangalore Zone & Inter Zone Chess Tournament for Men &Women on 23rd to 25th April 2017. | |
3. | VTU Chess Men &Women Selection Trials on 07th October 2017. |