VTU Inter Collegiate Rest of Bangalore & Inter Zone Chess Championship-2015
Chief Guests: Mr. Girish A koushik, International Chess Master. Mr. Kadagada Kai, Memebr, VTU Selection Committee. Mr. Palani, Chief Referee, VTU Selections. Dr. N S Biradar, Principal, SJMIT, Chitradurga. Mr. Kumarswamy, K, Physical Education Director. SJMIT, Chitradurga.
“Intellectual Property Rights” (IPR) Program 2015
An Awareness on “Intellectual Property Rights” (IPR) Date: 29-08-2015 Time: 10.00 -1.30 pm Venue: Civil Engineering seminar hall Chief guests : Mr. S S Prasad, Managing Director, Vinyas Associates, Chitradurga. Dr.C.B. Suresh, Professor, Bapuji Institute of Technology, Davanagere.
“Digital India Week Celebration”
Chief Guests: 1. Dr. Shanthapriya, Resource person, Sadhguru Centre for Telecom Technology, Udupi. 2. Sri.Prasanna Kumar Bhat, Resource person, Sadhguru Centre for Telecom Technology, Udupi. 3. Sri.Vinay Kumar Udupa, Resource person, Sadhguru Centre for Telecom Technology, Udupi. 4. Dr. N.S Biradara, Principal, SJMIT.
“Technical Session With Team of Infosys Engineers”
Chief Guests: 1. Mr. Ritish , Software Engineer, Infosys, Bangalore. 2. Mrs.Jotysna, Software Engineer, Infosys, Bangalore. 3. Mr. Mahesh, Software Engineer, Infosys, Bangalore 4. Dr. N.S Biradar, Principal, SJMIT.
“World Environment Day” 2015
Saplings Plantation at SJMIT Campus On the eve of “World Environment Day” Under NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (N S S) Date: 05-06-2015 Time: 10:30 am Venue: SJMIT Campus Dr. H R Manohara (Principal), Prof. G S Rajanna (Head, E&C Dept.,), Prof. Hussain Imran K M (NSS Coordinator) and Prof. S G Shankar ( Civil Dept.,)
“BLOOD DONATION CAMP” Under NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (N S S) Date: 16-03-2015 Time: 11:00 AM Venue: SJMIT-STEP Speech By: 1. Dr. Ram, Head of the Pathology Dept., BMHC, Chitradurga. 2. Dr. Ashok Reddy, Medical Officer, Blood Bank, BMHC,
SWOC Analysis
A workshop on SWOC Analysis Date: 29th January 2015 Time: 10.00 am – 5.00 pm Venue: SJMIT – STEP Chief Guests: 1. Prof. E. Chitradhekar, Executive Director, SJM Vidyapeetha, Chitradurga 2. Mr. Doraiswamy, Administrator, SJM Shanthi and Pragathi Foundation, Chitradurga 3. Mrs. Ambika, Development Consultancy, Bangalore. 4. Dr. H R Manohara, Principal, SJMIT, Chtradurga.
“Intellectual Property Rights” (IPR) Program 2014
A Seminar on “Intellectual Property Rights” (IPR) Date: 27-12-2014 Time: 10.30 -12.30 pm Venue: Civil Engineering seminar hall. Speaker: Prof: C.B. Suresh, Professor, Bapuji Institute of Technology, Davanagere.
“Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” 2014
“Swachh Bharat Abhiyan” (Prestige campaign of Prime Minister) By: NSS Unit SJMIT, Chitradurga. Date: 02-10-2014 Time: 11:00 am Venue: Sir M.V. Seminar Hall Inauguration session: Prof. J. Yashavanth, Dr. H R Manohara (Principal) and Prof. Hussain Imran K M(NSS Coordinator)